MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Three Serious Furnace Repairs You Might Need

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Sure, you could read the title of this blog post and panic because nobody wants the worst problems possible to be occurring in their furnace. However, we’d like to offer a positive spin on this news as finding out there’s a problem with your furnace and dealing with it might be a better scenario than many homeowners might think.

While furnace repair in West Orange, NJ can often be a drag because it costs money and involves having a professional perform a service, it can ultimately save you money and keep you safe. This is exactly why we want to get to the bottom of your furnace repairs, no matter how bad they might be.

So buckle up, turn on the light in your basement and take a good, hard look at your furnace as you read ahead!

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Efficiency Tips to Avoid Furnace Repair

Monday, February 24th, 2020

When we say “avoid furnace repair” we’re not saying that because you hate seeing our team. There will be plenty of excuses for you to call our expert technicians. However, furnace repair, in general, is not a fun experience.

No matter how great your HVAC technician is, it doesn’t feel good having to pay money for a problem with your furnace that’s putting your life on hold. Especially when temperatures are cold, furnace repair in Verona, NJ is just not an experience that any homeowner wants to go through.

So, why not take a journey with us as we explore different ways to help you avoid having to call for repairs in the first place? After all, the best remedy for a problematic furnace is preventive measures. Before you pick up the phone to call us, try these few tips and remember that we’re always available when you’re having furnace troubles.

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Our Personal Tips to Avoid Furnace Repair

Monday, February 10th, 2020

We know, why would your local HVAC contractor be giving you tips to avoid furnace repair? Isn’t that how we make our money?

While we do make a living providing heating repairs, we’d rather perform the heater repairs that are unavoidable than force one of our community members to pay for a fix that could have easily been avoided! So, take this blog post as a little bit of charity while we tell you some of our own personal tips on how to maintain your furnace and eventually avoid frequent repairs.

Furnace repair in Verona, NJ can be expensive! So make sure that when you need to call a professional technician, it’s for a good reason that you’ve done everything in your power to help by yourself.

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3 Common Furnace Problems that Raise Your Bill

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Furnaces are some of the most affordable and efficient heating systems we have available. A furnace can be installed and run for an entire year at half the cost of some other heating systems, depending on the climate and the model. This means your furnace should be well-maintained, professionally installed, and quickly repaired whenever a problem arises.

All that being said, sometimes there are problems with a furnace that can ultimately make them cost more than they’re worth. Hopefully, if you weren’t aware of these few furnace issues, we’d like to take some time to ensure your furnace is running as affordably and efficiently as possible. Remember, if you think your furnace is consuming more fuel than you believe it should, or if it’s just costing more money than what it used to for comfortable heating in your home, call our team for furnace service in Clifton, NJ.

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Get the Most from Your Furnace this Year

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Furnace efficiency is a hot topic these days, particularly because homeowners are looking for any and every DIY solution to problems with their heating bills. Well, you might not be able to build a new furnace from scratch but you’ll definitely be able to do a few things that help with the efficiency of your furnace system. That’s where we’re trying to help.

Increasing the efficiency of your furnace can also help you avoid furnace repair in Livingston, NJ because you’ll be making the job easier for it. Furnaces that are running inefficiently often have to consume more fuel and work harder just to provide the same amount of heat that an efficient heater would.

If you’re a DIY kind of person, these few efficiency tips cannot be overlooked in the slightest. These are your simple and effective solutions to improving the heating quality of your home.

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Boiler or Furnace: Which is Right for Your Home?

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Here in New Jersey, it gets cold. We don’t have the same relationship with our heaters as people do in the south, since they can still survive with one that’s barely working. We need a powerful heating system that can keep our home warm and cozy through the many months of winter we deal with.

That’s why, for all you homeowners out there who are looking to either upgrade or replace your old heating system with a new one, we’d like to talk about two of the most powerful heaters in existence. These heaters are furnaces and boilers. If you’re worried about having a system that can keep the cold out of your home for a minimal cost, these pieces of equipment are built sturdy for just that task.

Avoid too many calls for heating repair in West Orange, NJ this year by upgrading to a heating system that fits your home. Keep reading to learn more!

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To Repair or Replace: Furnace Trouble

Monday, December 16th, 2019

Furnaces don’t last forever. Though, you probably don’t need us telling you that.

The problem with an aging furnace is the fuzzy line between repairing a small issue and taking that issue as a sign that your furnace should be replaced. Most homeowners don’t know whether it would be more cost-effective to repair the issue and keep their old and reliable furnace, or start looking into affordable replacement solutions that will last another decade or two. We don’t blame them, it’s a hard decision to make and often requires professional help.

That’s where we come in! When it comes to furnace repair in Verona, NJ we’ve seen everything under the sun. So, with our expert knowledge in the field, we can give you some pointers as to whether or not it’s about time to start looking into replacing your aging furnace.

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Common Causes for Furnace Repairs

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Furnaces are the most common and reliable heating system found throughout the United States. That being said, no HVAC system is perfect, and if you’re the owner of a forced-air system like a furnace, then you’re probably going to run into one of these issues at some point. These problems can range anywhere from something as terrible as a gas leak to just a pilot light needing to be lit.

So, we figured we’d list out the most common problems we come across when we deal with furnaces. That way, when you smell gas or are dealing with high heating bills, you’ve got some information to signal what might be wrong with your heater. Then, you can estimate what it will cost to get it fixed and make the decision as quickly as possible.

Don’t thank us, just keep reading to learn more about your forced-air heater problems.

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Which Heating System Needs the Least Repairs?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

infloor-heatingThere are many costs involved with running a heating system. Installation is just the first cost. After that, you’ll need to think about the cost to run it every month—this is where a high-efficiency model can really make a difference.

Then, there’s the cost of maintenance and repairs. We suggest getting annual maintenance in order to severely reduce the occurrence of repair issues. But even with maintenance, there’s a slim chance that the heater will suffer from a repair issue at some point during its life.

Ultimately, this might lead a homeowner to ask: Which heating system will require the least number of heating repairs in Livingston, NJ?

From a purely technical standpoint, that heater would have to be the radiant heating system. Allow us to explain.

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Gas Furnaces Aren’t the Only Option for Heating

Monday, March 25th, 2019

fireplaceNatural gas furnaces are one of the most common heating systems in our nation. Not only are they very effective heaters, but it’s just what people are used to—why install a different system if what they’re using already works?

But that logic doesn’t mean you should ignore potentially better systems. “Better,” of course, meaning better for the needs of the individual. Each heating system has its own range of features that may prove to be more beneficial than that offered by a natural gas furnace.

Even if you’re satisfied with your gas furnace, we’ll supply some info on other types of heaters, just in case you want to change your mind for your next heating installation in Livingston, NJ:

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