MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

What’s That Noise? Your AC Needs Repair!

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Many of the issues that can happen with a mechanical or electrical system will create noise. Just like a car with a loose muffler or squeaky brakes, your air conditioner can warn you of problems with the sounds that it makes. What kind of sounds should an air conditioner make? What sounds indicate that you need AC repair? What could possibly be wrong? We’ll tell you.

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7 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Monday, June 24th, 2024

When your air conditioner is having a rough time, it’s important to get it serviced as soon as possible. This will help keep any problems small, and avoid consequences like damage to the compressor and sky-high electric bills that can happen when an air conditioner is struggling. But that means you need to notice right away that a problem is happening.

How can you tell that your air conditioner needs repair? Here are some key signs. If you notice any of these, get AC repair from a qualified technician.

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The Expansion Valve: A Critical AC Component

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Air conditioners are complex and fascinating machines. When we use them in our homes, we simply turn them on and enjoy the cool air. The part we’re probably most aware of is the fan, which pushes that cool air through our ductwork to come out our vents. But there’s a lot more going on in the system.

Knowing more about your air conditioner can help you understand how to take better care of it. We’d like to explain some of the lesser-known workings of the AC system. In particular, we’ll tell you all about a component called the expansion valve.

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The Importance of Prompt AC Repair

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Life is full of so many urgent concerns that it’s understandable for people to try to put things off whenever possible. After all, you can’t always deal with everything immediately. But when it comes to a struggling air conditioner, you don’t want to postpone repairs. 

Imagine a car tire that is leaking air. If you pretend that nothing is wrong, the leak will get worse and worse. Eventually, you’ll be driving on a deflated tire, causing massive damage to the rim! This basic principle is true of other systems as well. If you know something is wrong with your air conditioner and you don’t have repairs done promptly, you’ll end up regretting it. Here’s what could happen. 

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Get Ready for AC Installation

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Congratulations! You’ve chosen a new air conditioning system for your home. These days, new air conditioners work so well and are so efficient, we’re sure you’ll be delighted with it. And you’ve made an appointment for the installation! That’s great. But do you know what to expect?

It may have been quite a long time since you’ve had an AC system installed. With proper maintenance, your last one might have lasted twelve years or so. Or perhaps you purchased your home with an air conditioner and have never been through this process. We’d like to tell you what to expect at your AC installation appointment and what you can do to help things go as smoothly as possible.

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Why You Might Want to Check Up on Your AC’s Outdoor Unit

Monday, October 16th, 2023

It might not be what you want to think about just now, but in the grand scheme of things, it won’t be all that long before snow flies again. There are probably a lot of things you need to get done before that happens. We’ve got a recommendation for one more thing to put on your list.

Your air conditioner worked hard all summer, keeping your home comfortable for you and your family. Before you simply forget about it for several months until you need it again, make sure it’s doing okay. Your AC’s outdoor unit bears the brunt of both the hard work and the risks to the system, especially this time of year. Let’s give it a once-over.

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Why Your Outdoor AC Unit Isn’t Draining Properly

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Air conditioners create condensation. Just like droplets drawn from hot humid air onto the surface of an ice-cold glass, condensation forms from moisture in the air against the ice-cold evaporator coils of your AC unit. The drainage system that allows this moisture to be safely collected rather than causing puddles and water damage is a very important part of your air conditioner. It’s a huge bother when your AC unit’s drainage system isn’t working properly! Let’s get to the bottom of your drainage problem.

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Cut Your Cooling Costs With These AC Tips

Monday, July 10th, 2023

The majority of household energy use over the course of the year is put toward heating and cooling. Anything you can do to make cooling your home more efficient will save you money when your electric bill is due. So what can you do to lower your cooling costs? Try these helpful tips to maximize your air conditioning and stay cool and comfortable for less.

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Get to Know Your Condenser: The Outdoor Unit of Your AC

Monday, June 26th, 2023

The part of your air conditioner that you spend more time with is, of course, the indoor unit. That’s where heat from your home is absorbed into the refrigerant that flows through the evaporator coils. It’s pleasant to be near because it is absorbing, not radiating, heat during the summer. The outdoor unit is a different story. In the condenser, or outdoor unit of your air conditioner, the most critical component of the whole AC system makes its home. We’ll tell you all about it. 

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Why You Should Get Your AC Tuned Up Before Summer Starts

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Summer is just around the corner and you know what that means. It means you’ll soon be relying heavily on your air conditioner to keep you comfortable this summer. 

That also means that if you haven’t had your AC tuned up yet this year, there’s no better time than the present. Air conditioning maintenance in Caldwell, NJ is the best thing you can do to ensure that your air conditioner will see you and your family through the humid summer months. Let’s go over the many reasons why you should get your air conditioner tuned up if you haven’t already. 

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